Cornhole and Bowling are the Most Played Sports in the U.S., Ipsos Poll Reveals

Cornhole enthusiasts and industry players have been tracking the rise of the sport for years. Now we have quantified data that supports our theories — Cornhole is awesome! And one of the only mass-market sports that all can play. When Warphole® broke onto the scene in 2016, it paved the way for a true consumer-driven brand playing in the space — the first, and only — with a patented-design, 2-point shot and a commitment to quality (not just quantity.) It truly is the wave of the cornhole future! Let’s play!

Interested in bringing Warphole boards to your restaurant, bar, hospitality or entertainment properties? Whether you have casual play on the patio, or weekly Warphole tournaments, it’s a great way to connect with guests and keep them coming back! Let’s talk today, email Kim Angel,

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